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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Places I'd rather be...

It's a whopping 103º in Austin, Texas and while it is not the hottest summer we've had, I'm fed up with this heat!!  So other places I'd rather be?


 This was shot in Kinsale, Ireland during the summer.  Yes, that's me.  The house has no significance other than it is bright blue and I appeared to match it.  I took the below holga photo of the window which, in retrospect, I obviously should have shot in color.  Live an learn, I suppose.
I hope you are all keeping cool as we brave out the final days of summer.  Actually Austin has at least a month left of summer, probably six weeks.  So, get thee to a watering hole!  I will be dreaming of Ireland, hats, scarves, boots and hot whiskey drinks.  I will be dreaming of Autumn.


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