" " " complate desaign home: Day 7

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 7

We went to the orphanage for a brief visit today before we head back to Kiev for a couple of days. Anton was so much better today. We brought some pineapple yogurt, bananas and cold water. Both boys ate and ate. Then they played really hard for about an hour and then both of them crashed. Of course, David fell asleep on Sean again. Everytime Sean holds him, he goes to sleep. He is a snuggle bunny. Anton was very sleepy at the end of our visit, also. He just sat in my lap and let me rock him for about 10 minutes and only tried to get my glasses once. That is much better than before.

After the visit, we went and exchanged money, stopped at Mickey D's and got lunch for us and the driver, came back to the apartment to finish packing up to head out at 1pm. I dread this train ride like nothing else. Luckily, I haven't had too much motion sickness while I have been here and I hope that continues.

Will update from Kiev tomorrow.


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