" " " complate desaign home: State Sponsored Home Energy Audits

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

State Sponsored Home Energy Audits

The state of Connecticut has a Home Energy Solution, HES, program that provides home energy audits to home owners for a great price of $75.  It includes a walk through inspection of the home, a door blower test to determine air leakage in the house (a great value in itself- ours costs $350), and insulation evaluation, appliance inspections, and air duct inspection and test.  Air sealing and weather stripping will be done afterwards to stop major air leaks.  The technician will also make recommendations on capital improvements to make your home more energy efficient.  With this program there are rebates and discount loans available for capital improvements (I assume like windows and insulation).  The CT Energy Efficiency Fund sponsors and subsidizes unsecured loans through AFC First and the rates are great - 0% to 2.99% depending on how much you borrow.  The state website for the HES program is http://www.ctenergyinfo.com/dpuc_home_energy_solutions.htm.   
For information on the loans go to www.CTenergyLoan.com 
This is a pilot program so nobody knows how long it will last.  Probably until the stimulus money that funded it is gone.

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