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Saturday, June 19, 2010

closet cleaning 101

I'm undertaking a monumental task- cleaning out my closet(s). I say 'monumental' because I am a serial hoarder; if I think there is a slight possibility that I might one day wear that striped rugby polo again (even if it's just to sleep in!) you can bet I'll be holding on to it.

I didn't realize how serious this problem had gotten until I came home from college, hung up my dresses in my already-quite-full closet (I don't pack dresses, they go into the car on hangers), then turned to my mountain of bags that were waiting for me to unpack. About halfway through unpacking my first suitcase, my closet and dressers were full to bursting.

To make matters worse, the next day I received two more boulder-sized boxes in the mail- all filled with the clothes that stubbornly refused to fit in the car.

So I came up with a solution: I would begin to move my things in to the guest room closets. While this certainly was a temporary solution, I literally couldn't find ANYTHING. I knew it was time to toss out old clothes.

I've begun to sort through nearly a decade's worth of clothes, Sex and the City style. Here is my criteria for what stays and what goes:

1. Toss clothes that are too small. It doesn't matter if it's a label or if it's still in style. It's time to admit to yourself that your old favorite skirt is just too hoochie now, and that that fitted henley is just...too fitted.

2. Don't keep Special Occasion dresses. I know you keep telling yourself that you'll have another opportunity to wear that Sophomore year homecoming dress, but face it: some things are simply dated. I know you probably loved it and might have paid a lot of money for it, but unless your Special Occasion dress was an LBD or something equally re-wearable, it's time to let go. Hand it down to a younger sibling or friend, sell it on eBay, bring it to your local consignment shop...just don't leave it hanging in your closet, collecting dust.

3. You don't need all those t-shirts. Don't toss them all, you'll need them for working out and sleeping in, of course! But do you really need that oversized, washed-out shirt from day camp 7 years ago? Too many tees just cause clutter. Get rid of some of them.

4. Keep the clothes you LOVE. This might sound obvious, but leaving yourself with nothing but your very favorite pieces will lead you to dress well every day!

5. Go Shopping! Your closet will feel pretty bare. Buy some fabulous new clothes to add to your fresh wardrobe.

Donate all your old clothes to charities or clothing drives, or bring them to a consignment shop. Not only will you benefit from cleaning out your closet, but others will, too!

And lastly...

I'd love a bigger closet, please.


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