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Sunday, December 30, 2007


"Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist was coming, so now many antichrists have appeared. Thus we know this is the last hour." (1 Jn 2:18)

Not to have any time is today taken as a sign of efficiency: using every minute of it and carefully rationing out its use. Quantitative time: hours, minute, seconds are empty in themselves. So we try our best to stuff them as much as we can. And we make use of the most modern technology to do this: computer technique, microelectronics, and other time-saving devices.

For a long time now we have reckoned our time in terms of gain and loss; businessmen say that time is money. The ability to recognize the transitional from the lasting – even everlasting – and use both, gives one the sense of fulfillment in time.

Today the haste and speed of time hides its inner quality. The daily rush of datelines and deadlines blinds our inner eye to time.

Time makes no noise as it moves along. It can only be heard in the hum of some watches. Time is transient. It never stands still. It comes, is present, and – goes by. And I go along with it. Psychologically speaking, time exists only in the mind; it is an abstract concept in philosophy.

As the Old Testament Prophet tells us: "There is a time for everything; everything has its proper time." Each of us personally has his or her time – and no one else’s.

All of us humans are time-bound. I myself am temporary, transient, and mortal in this world. And so it is important for me to realize what time, in all its forms and manifestations throughout the ebb and flow of my life, wants to tell me.
(Theresia Hauser) [1]

Today marks the end of year 2007. How appropriate that the First Reading speaks about the last hour. Tomorrow is another year to which we can look forward with joy in our hearts.

Each year-end period we make personal resolutions. Most often these promises we make to ourselves are meant to prevent previous mistakes from being committed twice in our lives. Or we make them to strengthen and prompt us to live a better and fruitful life than what we had during the preceding months.

The above article also reminds us about the reality that time is fleeting. It passes by quickly and we cannot hold on to it at all. One year has just passed. What is it trying to say to us right now?

In today’s scriptural snippet we are alerted about the presence of many antiChrists around us in this day. It reminds us about the end-times once again. That alone brings to mind that now is the time for everyone to turn toward conversion and spiritual renewal.

Today is the proper occasion to be decisive in discarding the old habits behind us. This is the moment in time to be determined to live only for Christ and to refuse to follow the ways of the antiChrists in our midst. Anyone – St. John writes there are many of them – who promotes the lies of the adversary and distorts the teachings of our Lord Jesus can probably be regarded as an antiChrist.

Indeed, we are not getting any younger. All of the hairs in our head are turning, or will soon become, gray. The bones and joints in our body are showing signs of deterioration. NOW is the proper time to take complete stock of our spiritual lives. Tomorrow may prove to be too late…

Let us all pray to the Holy Spirit for the grace to root out whatever is displeasing to the Lord from our lives. Let us also prayerfully request the grace to replace the resulting void within our souls with the Mass, Sacraments, Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and the holy Rosary. In the doing of these things, 2008 will prove to be a spiritually very profitable year for one and all.

End Notes for this Bible Sharing
[1] "The Millennium Stories" by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 165, "Time," pp. 78-79, Logos (Divine Word) Publications, Inc., Manila, 1997.

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