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Friday, December 21, 2007


"I prayed for this child, and the Lord granted my request. Now I, in turn give him to the Lord; as long as he lives, he shall be dedicated to the Lord." (1 Sm1:27-28)

1 May: Today my mother and my father showed how much they love one another. They slept together and my life began.

15 May: My blood circulation system is beginning now, My body is beginning to grow; I am now big enough to be seen.

19 May: My mouth is beginning to develop.

21 May: My heart is beginning to beat. Who can say that I am not alive?

22 May: For some reason or another, today my mother began to worry because I am inside her.

28 May: My two hands and two feet have begun to grow. I can now stretch and straighten my back.

8 June: Little fingers are now appearing at the end of my hands. That’s wonderful. In a short time I’ll be able to touch and hold things.

15 June: Today my mother felt me moving around and she is sure that I am inside her. How happy I am!

20 June: Now I know I’m going to be a little girl.

24 June: Now organs inside of me are beginning to grow: my stomach and my liver and my lungs and things like that. Now I am able to feel pain.

6 July: Now hair is starting to grow on top of my head and above my eyes. Now I am starting to make myself pretty.

8 July: My eyes are ready for use; but they are both still shut. But it won’t be long before I can enjoy the sight of many nice things and especially the face of my mother.

19 July: My heart is really beating strong now. I am growing in all directions. I am happy and contented.

20 July: Today my mother killed me...

If it had happened to you, you would not be reading this. Aren’t you lucky?
(Medical Journal) [1]

Today’s First Reading recounts Hannah’s presentation of her only child, Samuel, in the temple. It should be noted that she had been barren for a long time. She entreated Almighty God for the gift to conceive and this request was granted, in due time. In her gratitude for His blessing, she offered him back in His service, under the care of Eli the priest.

Many women have not been fortunate to have their own children. Some have gone on various pilgrimages and have prayed a number of novenas to beg the Almighty the gift of a pregnancy. The irony of it all is that while many women desperately want to have families, an equal number of them are murdering the babies in their wombs as the above Narrative describes. Women who go through an abortion most likely do not realize that the human lives in their wombs are a gift to them from heaven. In all likelihood the Lord is gravely insulted by the outright rejection of His blessings by the indiscriminate killing of the unborn.

It is only the Holy Spirit Who has the power to create life, as we testify when we pray the Nicean Creed at Mass. I personally desired to have four kids, but after giving birth the second time, I was found to have a myoma (tumor) in my uterus, and had to undergo a sub-total hysterectomy and thus, could no longer add to my family. Pregnancy is clearly a grace only Divinity can grant to a woman.

For those married women who have not been blessed with offspring, the Christmas season is an appropriate time for entreating the Eternal Spirit of the Father and the Son for the favor to begin having them. In our parish alone there have been a number of married couples who have been granted the gift of a baby after they have volunteered to offer the image of the Infant Jesus during the Christmas Midnight Mass.

This year our parish priest has invited all married couples, especially those who have been married for five years, but do not yet have any progeny, to join the Christmas Eve procession. This is a Filipino tradition called "panunuluyan" [2] which depicts or dramatizes the time when Joseph and Mary were searching for an inn. Organized by the Couples for Christ in our local parish, it is an opportunity for these husbands and wives to beseech Our Heavenly Father for the gift of a baby this Christmas Day.

Every child conceived in this world is God’s gift to mankind and therefore has every right to life. We are all called to accept them, love them, care for them and provide them with opportunities to develop their potentials. We have a responsibility to give them every opportunity to grow up, learn, and develop in order to become assets in our society.

Let us pray to the Lord, the Giver of Life, that more and more people may realize the absolute evil of abortion, an atrocity that is being committed in almost every country in the world today. Let us pray for the conversion of these individuals who promote or propagate the slaughter of the unborn. At the same time let us pray for the protection of these innocent lives in the womb of their mothers.
End Notes for this Bible Sharing
1. "The Storyteller’s Minute" by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 110, "Diary of an Unborn Baby", pp. 58-59, Logos Publications, Inc., Manila, 1999.

2. http://expatclic.com:80/eofi/article.php3?id_article=634

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