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Friday, December 28, 2007


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

"What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." (Jn 1:3-5)

Light is such an important thing that God created it even before he created heaven and earth. Genesis tells us that. Once light began to exist, many good things followed it.

If we look around us, we find that light helps us in many ways. Sunlight, for example, makes things grow; it warms our skin and dries our clothes. Because we have sunlight, we can see things around us. Sunlight is a medicine which kills many germs.

Think of other lights that we use. Notice how we string up lights to decorate a house when we have a party. A torch or kerosene lamp lights our path in the bush and also draws fish to our canoe at night.

In contrast, night and darkness are times of sleep. Nothing grows in darkness. If it is dark too long, everything dies. We also refer to darkness as a time of sin, the time of evildoing, the time of Satan. We feel uneasy and afraid in times of darkness.
(Frank Mihalic) [1]

The most awaited event of the year is finally here. Joy is in the air. Homes are gleaming with various shimmering lights. Fireworks everywhere result in magnificent colorful display of illumination up in the sky. It is indeed a festive moment. Jesus’ birthday should, after all, be an occasion of joyful celebration.

Hopefully we have prepared a dwelling place for Jesus within our hearts as yesterday’s Bible Sharing invited us to do. If we allow Him to freely reside in us, we can securely live in the light of His grace forever.

The Light of Christ will never be conquered by the darkness that occasionally surrounds us. Most often this is brought about by sin as the above commentary says to us. For as long as we continue to enjoy His presence in our lives, we can always expect to be illuminated by God’s grace even in the midst of spiritual dark nights.

As Disciples of Our Lord we are also called upon to be the light of the world (Mt 5:14 ) in His example. It means that we are to spread light throughout the land by setting good example to our brothers and sisters in our parish community and elsewhere in the world. Our good behavior should inspire everyone toward conversion, spiritual transformation, and/or greater love for the Lord.

Unfortunately, we often hear of scandalous conduct being committed by Church workers or even by priests prelates and lay religious leaders themselves. This is, of course, contrary to Church teaching, primarily because it inadvertently drives many Catholics away from the Church. Instead of giving light to fellow believers, they bring about confusion, disorder and cause apostasy within the community.

Let us ever be aware that the eyes of others are always focused upon us. We never know how much of what they see in us is being absorbed and emulated. If what they see in us is something ungodly, then there is a lot to account for on judgment day.

Let us prayerfully ask our Father in heaven to grant us the grace to continually be good examples to others and thus, bring the Light of His Divine Son to those with whom we interrelate everyday.

End Notes for this Bible Sharing
1. "1000 Stories You Can Use" Volume Two, by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 904, "Light," p. 169, Divine Word Publications, Manila, 1989.

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