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Thursday, January 13, 2011


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It's been a month since I posted last. The holidays have come and gone and now here we are....knee deep in winter. This time of year tends to go by a little bit slower. The light of day is shorter, the cold makes us all hibernate a bit and the ground is frozen over. If I'm being honest, I love this time of year. I am a person who enjoys watching the snow fall from the couch, cup of hot cocoa in hand. I love the way we all slow down a bit and spend time at home watching movies and playing board games. It's totally me. I'm not a summer type girl. In fact, my husband lovingly (I think) calls me his "indoor girl." What can I say? I hate wearing a bathing suit but jeans and boots? Bring it!

Winter finds me here:

Drinking this:

Click here for the recipe!

Sometimes here finding new music to love:

Like this:

Or some days I may be reading this:

I could be on the computer finding new blogs to read. Have you checked out An Apple A Day? No? Click here !

And another must read is my friend Robyn's blog, The Pink Peony of Le Jardin . She is a super sweet lady and I would know because I get to hang out with her! She's the first blog friend that I've met in person and it's so fun to know a fellow decor blogger.

The Pink Peony of Le Jardin

What do you like to do in the winter? Are you a fan of snow or are you wishing for sun?

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