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Monday, January 31, 2011

Change is only the beginning of a new adventure...

On December 15, 2010, I wrote in my prayer journal:

I pray today about Trevvor's work.  Bless the work of his hands and may it bring him a measure of fulfillment at the end of each day.  Show him what Your work is for him and give him the strength and courage to do it.  Teach him to do all that he does for Your glory alone.  Let him be content with the job he has if it is Your will for him.  Show me how I can best help and support him in this area, Father.
The next day, I asked for the same things, adding:

If this job is Your will for him, let him find fulfillment, contentment, and even enjoyment in it.  If it is not Your will, then direct him to where You want him to be at the proper time.
I need to stop being surprised when God answers prayers in BIG ways, because about two weeks later, Trevvor got a call from PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Big 4 international accounting firm that he'd interned for in Birmingham last spring.

They wanted to offer him a position as a first year associate, starting ASAP.

Last spring he had an opportunity to have a position there starting this coming fall, but first he would need to do a 12-month masters' degree program in tax accounting and then sit for the CPA exam.  He didn't relish the idea of going straight back to school, and wanted to try management accounting for a while (which he's been doing since last summer here in Huntsville), so he turned down the position at that time.

But apparently things have changed, both on their side and ours.  On our side, Trevvor was realizing that he enjoyed tax accounting much more than management accounting.  On their side, they needed an incoming associate with or without a masters' degree and a CPA.  Trevvor was their first choice, despite not having either of these.

Long story short, a few days after the initial call, Trevvor accepted the position.  Since then, we've kept busy by interviewing (and now training) replacements for his position at my dad's company and traveling the hour and a half to Birmingham once a week to look at houses.

It has certainly been an adjustment, shifting my future plans from a Huntsville local (close to my family and high school friends) to a Birmingham one.  To make things more difficult, only two months ago did we place membership at a wonderful church of Christ right down the road from us, and now we'll have to begin the "church search" all over again!  *sigh*

But overall, we are sure that this is a very positive move (literally and figuratively) for us.  Trevvor is thrilled about his upcoming job--which starts February 7, a week from today--and I am so proud of him.  I'm mostly excited about buying a house:  it will be so wonderful to call a place "home" for more than a year or two!  (On the housing note, we think we may have found one we'd like to place an offer on, but we're seeing it for a second time this afternoon before doing so.)

In conclusion, keep us in your prayers as we make this transition.  It will be hard for my family, especially since they've been used to having us right down the stairs for the better part of a year now.  And buying a house, moving, and being a tax accountant at this time of year can all be stressful things.  But with your prayers and support, we can handle it.

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