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Monday, February 4, 2008


How does one become like a little child to be able to enter God's kingdom? St. Therese of Lisieux has given us an example through her doctrine of spiritual childhood. Personally, St. Therese' autobiography has truly given me much insights on how to have simplicity of heart as that of a child. I realize however that it isn't always easy to practice it as it may seem to be so.

The insightful story below tells us how we can attain much spiritual growth as we "grow younger". This is the challenge: If you enjoy the story and finds it delightful you probably have the heart of a child. If you find it corny and boring you probably still need to do a lot of "growing younger". (smile)



By Fr. Nil Guillemette, S.J.

"Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Mt 18:3)

Nov. 14, 2743

Dear Diary. When I landed on Grypton-IV this morning, I was in for a shock. Greeting me at the spaceport were a bunch of children. All were humanoid in shape and wore an air of gravity on their faces which suited the official welcome of a representation from the Galactic Federation. There was no red carpet in sight, but everything suggested pomp and circumstance, including a special display of daylight fireworks!

I was greeted by Emperor Hokkor himself, a young boy of about eight years old. Then he introduced to me and to my delegation his consort Empress Atuarre, a girl of approximately the same age, along with his son, his grandson and his great-grandson. The first was a young man in his late twenties, the second was a middle-aged man, and the third was an ape-like oldster of about seventy-five.

I had heard that Grypton-IV was a strange planet, but I was not prepared for what I encountered today. People here are born old. This is how it happens. An old ape in one of the many Reservations of the planet suddenly mutates into a humanoid, when certain conditions of cosmic radiations prevail. Once the mutant has passed the threshold of rationality, he is adopted by a middle-aged couple, who take charge of his formal education as a humanoid. However, and this is the crucial features of this planet, his biological evolution reflects his spiritual growth - but in the reverse direction of what Earthlings would expect: he evolves from old age to youth! That is, provided he accepts to mature in wisdom and moral excellence. Otherwise he remains stuck indefinitely at a given age. For instance, a stubborn humanoid who refuses to "grow up" will remain at sixty-two for decades. Strange, isn't it? But more of this later. I have to go to bed now because the Emperor has scheduled several state functions for tomorrow and I'll need to have all my wits about me.

Nov 15, 2743

Dear Diary. Phew! That was quite a day! In the morning we were introduced to the various Ministers and their staff. I don't think any Cabinet member is above ten years old. But they all look wiser than anybody I ever met on Earth. Polite they are, but they don't waste time on empty talk. They just look you straight in the eye and ask you one of those extraordinary questions you don't expect from a politician. for example, Torm, the Minister of Culture, asked me, "Do you like sunsets?" Urupuan, the Minister of defense, asked, "Do you agree that truth and non-violence are a planet"s best weapons?" The Minister of Education, a certain Chubakka, asked me if on Earth universal tolerance was taught as a subject in curriculum. He also inquired how many of our students major in God. You see what I mean.

In between visits to the various Ministries I managed to learn how an Emperor was made. It's very simple. After the reigning Emperor has died, the youngest humanoids of the planet submit to a contest of wisdom and virtue, and the winner is crowned Emperor for life. I was unable to learn more about this important topic, but I'll try my luck tomorrow.

The afternoon was spent visiting various educational centers. First there was the Truth Center, a place where people are taught the difficult art of telling the truth in love. Then there was the Simplicity Center, where people learn to practice poverty, detachment and sharing. Then there was the Chastity Center, where people learn the beauty of faithful commitment and self-mastery. I learned that the various students of these centers "graduated" when they became young enough..... Yes, believe it or not, dear diary!

In the evening we were given a state banquet. The fare was marvelously simple, since the guests there - senior ranking members of the government - were all children. We were served the Earth equivalent of pop-corn and soft drinks. No liquor or wine, no complicated hors d'oeuvres, no elaborate pastries. The whole affair was concluded by a series of parlor games. Again, believe it or not! All present had the time of their life, while I was trying to preserve the minimum of decorum one would expect from a representative of the Galactic Federation. Of course, I looked ridiculous. But not my hosts. They kept gently encouragingly me to join in the fun. I think, I will never forget this evening..... ..

Nov. 16, 2743

Dear Diary. We left Grypton-IV this afternoon and are presently on course toward the next planet on our tour, Altarm Major.

I truly regret that our visit to Grypton-IV had to be so short. Many questions remain in my mind concerning that strange planet.

Anyway, this morning during my leave-taking courtesy visit to the Emperor, I succeeded in asking him something which had been bothering me ever since I learned about the retro-aging process on the humanoids there.

"Your Imperial Majesty," I asked the boy, "at what stage of his spiritual evolution is a Gryptonian young enough to die?"

He smiled indulgently, aware that a middle-aged man like me could hardly be young enough to know the answer to such a question. But he was far too wise to show any surprise at my ignorance.

"When one has uttered the Perfect Prayer," he said.

I was still in the dark, for I had no idea what Perfect Prayer could indicate that one had reached supreme maturity.

"And what is that, Sire?" I pressed on.

He became serious and quite still, as if looking deep within himself. Then he spoke up again in a very soft and reverent tone of voice.

"When a person can say with his whole heart, `Father, into your hands I commend my spirit', then he has uttered the Perfect Prayer, and then he is ready to die." He added with one of his enigmatic smiles, "We, Gryptonians never go to sleep without saying those sacred words. Perhaps it is superstitions, but we believe that anyone at any age can turn to God and mature overnight into childhood."

Those were his parting words.

Nov 17, 2743

Dear Diary. I have just heard over the SpaceCom that Emperor Hokkor died in his sleep a few hours ago. I am not surprised. He was too young to go on living much longer.

I guess I'll start practicing the Perfect Prayer myself. Who knows? Maybe I'm not too old to die young.

End Notes

1. Fr. Nil Guillemette, S.J., "RUNNING WATERS - God Tales for Young and Old", St. Paul Publications, Makati, Philippines, 1991, Chapter 15, pp.85-88.

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