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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Doily Wreath

Martha Stewart (of course, who else?) has a beautiful doily wreath on her site using lights and paper bouquet holders. Of course the papers are a specialty, hard to find item that you have to order online because you can't just walk into Hobby Lobby and buy them. Darn that Martha and all her resources. They are called Biedermeiermanschetten and you can buy them on this site if you are set on the original version.

If you are cheap and impatient like me, you can run to your nearest craft store and pick these up:

I used a Styrofoam wreath form that I had cut in half for another project. It would be a ton easier if you just used a flat form.

All you need to do is take your doily and fold it in half......

Then keep folding until it's about this size (excuse my lighting issues, I was doing this at night).....

Glue them all to your wreath form with hot glue, start with the larger doilies and then use the smaller ones to layer and give it some "poof."
Glue a loop of ribbon to the back for hanging and bam, you are done! A super easy project and best of all, you don't have to worry about it catching on fire. That seemed to be a common concern about Martha's wreath.

I've been busy, busy here getting ready for the house tour. I'm excited about it but starting to freak out a bit as it gets closer. Part of that is probably because we started some painting projects that have to get done. Yikes! It's all coming together though. We have Ella's room all painted and put back in order. More on that another day......

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