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Monday, September 28, 2009

White Picket Fences

Looking at the picture of my little girl in blue, I was inspired to write a post about white picket fences. I don't know about you, but I have always had this secret dream about living in a house with a white picket fence. Having watched so many american movies growing up, I believed that every house in the US had a white picket fence and a front porch. When my husband and I moved to Tulsa in 1998 I was so disappointed to find out that there were hardly any white picket fences in that area. All the fences were gray, dull and made of cedar. Our realtor tried desperately to find me my white colonial with all the trimmings, but no such luck... Now back in Norway I'm still hoping that one day I will be living in a house with a white picket fence and a pretty garden gate. If the house had a front porch with a swing too, life would just be perfect!

To keep the dream alive I walked around today and took some pictures from my neighborhood here in Norway. Enjoy these charming picket fences!

All pictures by me. Please contact me if you would like to use any of them:-)

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