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Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Stop Snoring

How does snoring occur??? Or why do we snore?? This question hits the mind of every person whose sleeping partner snores....

Stertor as termed medically is the unpleasant sound that one makes when he/she breathes while sleeping. This is commonly known as snoring. It is caused due to the vibration of respiratory structures that are in relaxed/collapsed state while sleeping. These respiratory structures are mainly the uvula and the soft pallate (back of the roof of mouth). The vibration is respiratory structure is due to the blockage in the airway which causes obstruction in the air movement.

How to stop snoring?

While sleeping on back our tongue tends to fall back towards the throat and thus creates blockage in the airway. The sufferer should lay on his/her sides instead of resting on back.

Elevating the head of the bed and taking pillows also facilitate the right posture that helps in minimizing the snoring problem.

Smoking is not only hazardous for our overall health but it also adds to the snoring trouble as it aggrevates the tissues of the throat. so quit smoking and let your partner aleep well.

Lose some weight if you are too bulky and overweight. The fatty tissue of your neck also causes blockage in the airway. This is probably the most effective remedy to stop snoring.

Dont drink alcohol or coffee immediately before going to bed.

Do not make a habit of taking sleeping pills. Do some sports activities during day instead, to keep yourself healthy and fit.

You can also use nasal strips if you suffer from severe snoring problem.

If nothing works for you then see an ENT specialist. there are variety of treatments available to check snoring problem.

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