" " " complate desaign home: Im back.....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Im back.....

Ive decided to come back to blogging, not that I was ever a dutiful blogger anyway!

I find it all a bit odd, like Im chatting to myself, and have wondered in the past "whats the point?"...."Do I really have anything to say thats worth reading about?".... "Who in their right mind (no offence!) wants to have a look into my life?"....but, I suppose Ive answered my own question, I love reading all about other peoples! So maybe if there is just one of you out there that enjoys my blog then I suppose it's worth doing!

Another thing that really caught my eye whilst blog-hopping was a wonderful stitch-along hosted by Amy at inspire.co.

To celebrate her birthday this month, she is going to do a grid-style sampler with a square for each of her 39 years. She will do a square per day starting March 1 until April 8 and will post the squares here. and she has invited anyone else to join her! It can be anything you like so to kick off my first square will be quite patriotic!

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