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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Many Gifts and a finish

I've been sitting here driving myself crazy trying to think of something to write, then realized, I have a finish. And I got the most lovely gift in the mail last week that I haven't shown. Finally got around to taking pictures--if the pictures are dark, I apologize right now. We've had very dark days lately and a lot of rain.

First up, my finish. It's a simple one, a freebie from LHN called Two Sheep. I wanted something simple and easy to do over the weekend when hubby was home. Can you believe, after nearly 20 years of marriage, he still doesn't know about interrupting while I'm counting--so I keep it simple. I really loved this design, especially for the simplicity of it. I chose to do it all in Crescent Colour Cottons and used a 32 count linen that I dyed and called "summer sky". To bring out the color of the sheep, I framed it in a frame that I used liming on. Lets the wood grain, what there is of it, show through. Whatcha think? I also have LHN's Poinsettia House nearly finished--just needs 6 more stitches and ironed, and I can show you.

Now, my gift. This really sweet lady from Lyons, France, sent me an email about something she saw on my blog. And sent me a link to her blog. Her name is Marylin, and wow, is she a great stitcher. Anyway, out of the blue, she sent me this lovely package with threads and charts from France. (I'm in the middle of putting together a package for her--if you'd like to send her something, send me an email.) She says that stitching things are really dear there, and that all of the stitching stores are very tiny. Her dream is to some day visit an American stitching store. Won't she be in Heaven then? Anyway, she also sent me a lovely scissor pocket that she stitched me, and it's gorgeous. I'm sure my photos won't do it justice but I did try.
Isn't this scissor pocket just adorable? It's stitched on the front, on the flap and on the back.
And the entire thing is stitched over one thread. Then she sent me two full kits, a DMC book on Hearts, and two other charts. She also sent a package of tea and a bag of chocolates but guys, those are gone, gone, gone. Yummmmmm!

Wasn't this the most lovely package? And from a stranger that I now call friend. This world sure is a small place and stitchers have made it that way.

I mentioned before, that I'm preparing a package for her. I'm nearly finished with the stitching and have pulled out some stitching things for her. If you would like to send something for me to include, just email me. If you would like to send her a package yourself, email me and I'll be happy to send you her address. Oh, I'll be adding her blog address to my sidebar so you can visit that way also. She said her friends are impressed when she gets a comment from Americans, lol.

Stitch on, my friends. And keep our family in your prayers. Hubby has returned the truck he was trying to buy and is spending the next week or two fixing the one we have. That means nearly two weeks of him in and out, dirty door knobs, hair pulling (mine), no patience (me) and a lot of trying to stitch to keep my mind at ease. And no stash, sob, sniffle, sob. Oh, well, this too shall pass, and I think I have enough stash to see me through. Hugs to all! And thanks for the comments.

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