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Monday, August 31, 2009

Tips For Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight??
Loosing weight is not a miracle that can happen overnight. Prior to every effort that you plan to put in your weight loss regime comes your commitment and discipline towards your aim.
It is usually not as easy as stated by various weight loss program and at the same time it is as easy as making simple changes in your daily routine and eating habits.
Market is flooding with weight loss gadgets and diet pills but still we are not happy with the results we get after using such products. This is because of the blind dependancy to get instatnt results on such products. Although there are good herbal products also that can help u reduce weight but its difficult to differentiate them from scammers.

The secret of weight loss lies in making simple and easy alterations in your diet and life style and not in theses gadgets and diet pills.

How to start??
To make any weight loss regime successfull their are certain rules to follow:

1. Move around.

Dont keep your body passive. Doing so will increase the amount of calorie that you need to burn out in order to loose weight.

  • Walk up and down the stair cases. Avoid using elevators.
  • Go for a morning walk, go to work walking if there is no time for morning walk.

Watch out your meals.

Dont fall in the temptation of second serving. Stop eating when you feel you are full and satisfied. There is no need to stuff you tummy.

Take healthy food in your diet

  • Consume eatable which are rich in fibre and have low fat in them.
  • Avoid taking crash diet, it may be helpful in instant weight loss but you are more likely to gain the weight back after some time.
  • Increase the intake of fluid and green vegetables in your diet.

Home Remedies for weight loss.

  1. Squeeze half a lemon in one bottle of water drink this water whenever you feel thirsty.
  2. Drink cabbage juice it is less in calories and rich in vitamins. this helps in loosing weight.
  3. Bottle Gourdha got good amount of fibre in it. take it in salad or drink its juice both are equally benificial. It has all essential minerals, irons and protiens.
  4. Replace junk food with organic food in your daily diet.
  5. Limit the intake of sugar. Avoid eating chocolates (im sorry gals) and candies.
  6. Depression and stress are also culprits for weight gain. So live stress free.
  7. Cook food in vegetable oil instead of butter and ghee.(especially for we indians)
  8. Replace you milk tea with green tea, ginger tea or lemon tea.
  9. make a regular habit of eating 1-2 ripe tomatoes daily. This also helps in loosing weight.
  10. The most common home remedy for loosing weight is mixing 2 tsp of honey and juice of one lemon in a glass full of lukewam water. This remedy cannot do any wonder alone but if accompanies with healthy and balanced diet and physically active life style it really works.
  11. If you are fond of non-veg prefer chicken and fish over red meat. Go for baked and roasted dishes instead of deep fried recipe.
  12. Limit the intake of salty food like bacon and potato chips.
  13. Make a habit of eating Salad daily. Include mint leaves, beetroot and tomatoes in your salad.

Say no to

  • Soda drinks
  • Junk food.
  • Refined food
  • Bunking Meals
  • Stress.

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