Have you ever seen an Irishman mope? That should be MOPE in capital letters. Irishmen are depressing when they are in a funk, or trying to make a decision, or worried about finances. And my Irishman does it all to the extreme. He must have made 500 phone calls, eaten me out of house and home, tracked in dirt and crud from the garage, did totally nothing for several days, and then tried to get everything he wanted done in a day. HE DROVE ME CRAZY!!!
I have to say, I'm very glad I was stitching on a Little House Needlework project--if it had been a Shepherd's Bush, I'd have made a cake of it. But, with LHN, I can not only enjoy the stitching but not have to worry so much about a certain person talking while I'm counting. Or snoring. And this piece really gave me the "soothing" I needed during this difficult time. So, without further ado, here is Acorn Hill.

This piece was charted for either Crescent colours cotton or Crescent colours silk, so with the choice, I decided on the silks. But, now I need to be careful. I have found out that Chad's cat loves my silks--she stood up on her hind legs and snagged my ring of silks and ran off with them. I caught her before she'd done any damage, but now I have to watch her when I get the silks out.
Now that Shawn is back on the road, I'll be getting the saw out and making a frame for this piece and for my newest project, "Sunflower Inn". About all that's been done on that is the stitched border and the sun, so I didn't take a picture of it yet.
This last picture is the gift Chad got me for Mother's Day. This is the 2009 Friends of Boyd's Bears club kit, with a basket, stuffed bear and a treasure box (I collect their treasure boxes). Wasn't this a sweet thing for him to do? Now I get to find a good use for this lovely basket.

Thanks for stopping by, and many thanks and appreciation for the loving comments you all left me. The encouragement, sympathy and love made me cry and smile at the same time. Thank you all so much. And thank you all for your posts. They really keep me entertained.
Stitch on, my friends--for you all are my friends, the friends of my heart. What blessings you all are!
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