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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Progress Update

I'm a bit late in showing my progress on Sea to Shining Sea--I should have updated a few days ago, when I finished 'Southwest'. Instead, I just kept on going, and last night, finished 'West Coast'. This one was the most fun--I loved this house, with it's blue shutters and climbing flowers at the sides. I made a few little changes to my piece--the yellow middle of the flowers are smyrna stitch, and the yellow window in the front door is all smyrna stitch, just to give a little depth to the stitching. Tonight I start 'East Coast', the silks are organized, the chart is out, I just have to make my start, and hope I find the right spot to start in, lol. Let me apologize right now for the really poor photographs--I really suck at taking them. I stitch in hand, no matter the size, so the sides of my stitching pieces are always rolled up. Nicole, where are you? I need you to take a few pictures for me. . . . . . . .

On the home front, hubby is on the road, the truck is fixed, (for now, anyway--there's always something that needs doing on the Beast) and I have my house back. Peace and quiet reign supreme. No TV the minute we grab our coffee in the morning, no ten million phone calls all day long. Just quiet. No one snoring during stitching time, or black door knobs. It's going to take awhile to get the house back to normal but as long as no one is messing it up as soon as I get finished, it shouldn't take too awful long--well, probably longer than most because I HATE housework.

I managed to catch a picture of Shadow sleeping near the dog--she was NOT happy that I caught her, snuggling up to Boo. If looks could kill, and all that. She paid me back today by laying on each of the pillowcases as I was trying to get them on the pillows. She is such a hoot--and doesn't seem to realize that Boo could gobble her up in one bite. She'll sit at the edge of the recliner and bat at Boo's nose as Boo walks by. Sometimes, I don't think Boo even notices her.

Off to make supper, so I can start my stitching time a bit early tonight. Just hope there is something on TV to listen to. Stitch on, my friends, and keep your own updates coming. They encourage me. And sometimes really really tempt me to start new projects. LOL And try to take advantage of the lovely weather. We have a sunny 72 degrees today, here in north east Indiana. Until next time.

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