Plant flowers near the front entrance. Experts say yellow promotes buying. Think marigolds!
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Exterior Home Staging Tip of the Day
Plant flowers near the front entrance. Experts say yellow promotes buying. Think marigolds!
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
[ Ayabie Live in Europe 2007 {Barcelona} ]

Cuanto tiempo!!!!
Como prometí,narraré mis vivencias en el concierto de Ayabie en Barcelona,espero que os gusten >__<
Bien,tras prepararnos para el concierto,llegamos y tuvimos que esperar a Ikari a que llegara ( el tenia pase VIP...suertudo :P ) y de alli nos fuimos a la cola,vimos que ya habia una cola considerable y nos tuvimos que colocar en la cola de la plebe de los últimos (y tenia pinta de quedarnos muy lejos del escenario)
Habia gente incluso que llevaba alli desde las 7 de la mañana esperando ( tomo nota de la hora para quien venga al salón del manga por si las moscas ¬¬U )
Y nada,alli vi a ti-chan,simpática allá donde vaya y esperamos para entrar.
Nos dejaron a todos sin camara de fotos y entramos...Ikari nos avisó que los teloneros Les Ole eran muy buenos,y vaya si lo fueron,menudas risas que nos echamos,sin duda,me gustaria ir a verles otra vez xDD
Tras ellos,una breve pausa y...empezó a sonar la música y empezaron a salir uno detras de otro...Takehito (タケヒト),Intetsu (インテツ),Kenzo (ケンゾ),Yumehito (夢人) y Aoi (葵)

Y tambien empezó a gritar ¡¡E.S.P.!! (la marca de la guitarra/bajo de alguien del grupo) y casi todo el público (yo no xDD) lo empezó a gritar. Cuando supe de lo que era,anda que no me reí dios mio xDD
Y nada,luego volvieron y nos deleitaron con otras 10 canciones mínimo (nos dieron 2 horas seguidas sin parar)
Fueron tocando,y Aoi nos decia en japonés que estaba muy contento de estar aqui y estaba contento de ver un público tan entregado y tal tal...

Tocaron muchas canciones,de las mejores que tienen,sinceramente,y mientras tocaron Japanese Low-Res Caramel Town, vi a Yumehito que estaba en la parte izquierda del escenario y le saludé con la mano y él me me dedicó un guiño de su precioso ojo,solo a mi!!! *O*
Ese fué un gran momento si señor ^.^
Me puse la mar de contento y le empecé a gritar de todo :___)
Justo al final,fué cuando empezaron a a decir lo que se aprendieron en español y fueron soltando: "hola soy (su nombre)" "hola amigo" "estoy muy contento de estar aqui" "Muchas gracias por venir" y tal,hasta que Yumehito dijo mirando para la zona donde estaba yo ( para mi que también me lo dijo solo a mi xDDD ^.^ ) y dijo:
"hola,soy...Yumehito (breve pausa y sonreia)....te quiero" y yo me quedé: ¡¡¡¡WOOOOOO!!!!! >////<

Madre mia...( seguro que me lo dijo a mi ^m^ )
Y poco mas,acabaron incluso con una de Luna Sea ( que no se cual era,preguntaré cual era U.U ) y ahi se acabó :___D
Compré algo de merchandising (una camiseta,un poster,dos DVDs del tour del año pasado ( uno era un regalo >///< ) tarjetas oficiales y un CD+DVD Euro Best
Por desgracia,al estar tan atras casi no toqué nada de ellos,solo pude con la mano izquierda de Aoi,la púa de Yumehito (L) y una baqueta de Kenzo V.V
La pobre ti-chan tuvo un desmayo pero menos mal que no pasó nada grave ^.^
Y eso es todo del concierto,el resto del viaje ya es vida privada y sabeis que no la cuento en mi blog
Eso si,prometo eternamente que para el próximo concierto no me separe tanto de mis acompañantes... :___(
Y nada,me han de pasar un video especial backstage que ya lo colgaré en otra actualización ^o^
Espero que os haya gustado he quedado con mas ganas de Ayabie!!! T.T Quiero mas!!!! :___(
Ale,espero que me continueis salvando gatitos y mas o menos no os haya parecido un tostón todo esto...
Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!
[ Ayabie Live in Europe 2007 {Barcelona} ]

Cuanto tiempo!!!!
Como prometí,narraré mis vivencias en el concierto de Ayabie en Barcelona,espero que os gusten >__<
Bien,tras prepararnos para el concierto,llegamos y tuvimos que esperar a Ikari a que llegara ( el tenia pase VIP...suertudo :P ) y de alli nos fuimos a la cola,vimos que ya habia una cola considerable y nos tuvimos que colocar en la cola de la plebe de los últimos (y tenia pinta de quedarnos muy lejos del escenario)
Habia gente incluso que llevaba alli desde las 7 de la mañana esperando ( tomo nota de la hora para quien venga al salón del manga por si las moscas ¬¬U )
Y nada,alli vi a ti-chan,simpática allá donde vaya y esperamos para entrar.
Nos dejaron a todos sin camara de fotos y entramos...Ikari nos avisó que los teloneros Les Ole eran muy buenos,y vaya si lo fueron,menudas risas que nos echamos,sin duda,me gustaria ir a verles otra vez xDD
Tras ellos,una breve pausa y...empezó a sonar la música y empezaron a salir uno detras de otro...Takehito (タケヒト),Intetsu (インテツ),Kenzo (ケンゾ),Yumehito (夢人) y Aoi (葵)

Y tambien empezó a gritar ¡¡E.S.P.!! (la marca de la guitarra/bajo de alguien del grupo) y casi todo el público (yo no xDD) lo empezó a gritar. Cuando supe de lo que era,anda que no me reí dios mio xDD
Y nada,luego volvieron y nos deleitaron con otras 10 canciones mínimo (nos dieron 2 horas seguidas sin parar)
Fueron tocando,y Aoi nos decia en japonés que estaba muy contento de estar aqui y estaba contento de ver un público tan entregado y tal tal...

Tocaron muchas canciones,de las mejores que tienen,sinceramente,y mientras tocaron Japanese Low-Res Caramel Town, vi a Yumehito que estaba en la parte izquierda del escenario y le saludé con la mano y él me me dedicó un guiño de su precioso ojo,solo a mi!!! *O*
Ese fué un gran momento si señor ^.^
Me puse la mar de contento y le empecé a gritar de todo :___)
Justo al final,fué cuando empezaron a a decir lo que se aprendieron en español y fueron soltando: "hola soy (su nombre)" "hola amigo" "estoy muy contento de estar aqui" "Muchas gracias por venir" y tal,hasta que Yumehito dijo mirando para la zona donde estaba yo ( para mi que también me lo dijo solo a mi xDDD ^.^ ) y dijo:
"hola,soy...Yumehito (breve pausa y sonreia)....te quiero" y yo me quedé: ¡¡¡¡WOOOOOO!!!!! >////<

Madre mia...( seguro que me lo dijo a mi ^m^ )
Y poco mas,acabaron incluso con una de Luna Sea ( que no se cual era,preguntaré cual era U.U ) y ahi se acabó :___D
Compré algo de merchandising (una camiseta,un poster,dos DVDs del tour del año pasado ( uno era un regalo >///< ) tarjetas oficiales y un CD+DVD Euro Best
Por desgracia,al estar tan atras casi no toqué nada de ellos,solo pude con la mano izquierda de Aoi,la púa de Yumehito (L) y una baqueta de Kenzo V.V
La pobre ti-chan tuvo un desmayo pero menos mal que no pasó nada grave ^.^
Y eso es todo del concierto,el resto del viaje ya es vida privada y sabeis que no la cuento en mi blog
Eso si,prometo eternamente que para el próximo concierto no me separe tanto de mis acompañantes... :___(
Y nada,me han de pasar un video especial backstage que ya lo colgaré en otra actualización ^o^
Espero que os haya gustado he quedado con mas ganas de Ayabie!!! T.T Quiero mas!!!! :___(
Ale,espero que me continueis salvando gatitos y mas o menos no os haya parecido un tostón todo esto...
Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!
Home Staging Advice From Julie Dana of The Home Stylist
Julie Dana of The Home Stylist has the following tip: Do not have any cleaning products visible. You want the buyer to think that the house cleans itself. You do not want to remind buyers that there will be work to do in this house, so put away laundry baskets and dish drainers as well!
To learn more tips from professional Julie Dana as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Julie Dana as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Julie Dana of The Home Stylist
Julie Dana of The Home Stylist has the following tip: Do not have any cleaning products visible. You want the buyer to think that the house cleans itself. You do not want to remind buyers that there will be work to do in this house, so put away laundry baskets and dish drainers as well!
To learn more tips from professional Julie Dana as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Julie Dana as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Home Staging Different For Moderate and Luxury Homes
I have a list of "don'ts" when discussing home upgrades for moderately priced homes:
1. Adding high-end appliances to a modest home.
2. Adding hand painted tiles in the bath or kitchen.
3. Adding a central vacuum.
4. Replacing windows with newer models.
5. Adding a swimming pool.
However, when you are dealing with luxury homes, people expect and are willing to pay for luxury. A swimming pool or a hot tub may be in order!
The moral of the story? Keep the buyer in mind when you get a house ready for sale.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
1. Adding high-end appliances to a modest home.
2. Adding hand painted tiles in the bath or kitchen.
3. Adding a central vacuum.
4. Replacing windows with newer models.
5. Adding a swimming pool.
However, when you are dealing with luxury homes, people expect and are willing to pay for luxury. A swimming pool or a hot tub may be in order!
The moral of the story? Keep the buyer in mind when you get a house ready for sale.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Different For Moderate and Luxury Homes
I have a list of "don'ts" when discussing home upgrades for moderately priced homes:
1. Adding high-end appliances to a modest home.
2. Adding hand painted tiles in the bath or kitchen.
3. Adding a central vacuum.
4. Replacing windows with newer models.
5. Adding a swimming pool.
However, when you are dealing with luxury homes, people expect and are willing to pay for luxury. A swimming pool or a hot tub may be in order!
The moral of the story? Keep the buyer in mind when you get a house ready for sale.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
1. Adding high-end appliances to a modest home.
2. Adding hand painted tiles in the bath or kitchen.
3. Adding a central vacuum.
4. Replacing windows with newer models.
5. Adding a swimming pool.
However, when you are dealing with luxury homes, people expect and are willing to pay for luxury. A swimming pool or a hot tub may be in order!
The moral of the story? Keep the buyer in mind when you get a house ready for sale.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Gail Jackson of Weichert Realtors
Gail Jackson of Weichert Realtors explains that home staging does not need to be expensive: Paint is very inexpensive and gives you a big bang for your buck. Although a bit labor-intensive, painting is not expensive and gives your home a new, fresh, clean look.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Jackson as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Jackson as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Gail Jackson of Weichert Realtors
Gail Jackson of Weichert Realtors explains that home staging does not need to be expensive: Paint is very inexpensive and gives you a big bang for your buck. Although a bit labor-intensive, painting is not expensive and gives your home a new, fresh, clean look.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Jackson as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Jackson as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Preparandome para ir al concierto de Ayabie :$

Hola pirataaaas!!! >.<>
Y actualizo rápidamente simplemente para que continueis salvando gatitos >.<
Y ya llevais mas de 400 >/////<
Muchisimas gracias :D
Preparandome para ir a ver a Ayabie el jueves...ver a Yumehito,a Aoi... ^o^
Y de paso tmb a Akane,DD,ikari,ti-chan... =P
Por desgracia siendo el dia que es no veré a mano Squall T.T
Pero estaré con Sachiko.... ^m^
En fin....ya narraré la vivencia como con el concierto de Blood :)
Perdonan que sea taaaan escueto,pero gracias de todos maneras por pasaros :D
Mi corazón se falla...lo tengo débil U.U
Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!
Preparandome para ir al concierto de Ayabie :$

Hola pirataaaas!!! >.<>
Y actualizo rápidamente simplemente para que continueis salvando gatitos >.<
Y ya llevais mas de 400 >/////<
Muchisimas gracias :D
Preparandome para ir a ver a Ayabie el jueves...ver a Yumehito,a Aoi... ^o^
Y de paso tmb a Akane,DD,ikari,ti-chan... =P
Por desgracia siendo el dia que es no veré a mano Squall T.T
Pero estaré con Sachiko.... ^m^
En fin....ya narraré la vivencia como con el concierto de Blood :)
Perdonan que sea taaaan escueto,pero gracias de todos maneras por pasaros :D
Mi corazón se falla...lo tengo débil U.U
Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Add Storage
Add extra storage. It doesn't have to be expensive built-ins. Furniture that doubles as storage can really give you handy places to place items that you need but that are unsightly.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought.
Add Storage
Add extra storage. It doesn't have to be expensive built-ins. Furniture that doubles as storage can really give you handy places to place items that you need but that are unsightly.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Marcia Smart of Smart Interior Styling
Marcia Smart’s (Smart Interior Styling) tip is to: Recognize that your major competition comes from newer homes. People will take a newer home over an older home if all else is equal. That is why it is essential to give an older home something that puts it above the rest.
To learn more tips from professional Marcia Smart as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Marcia Smart as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Marcia Smart of Smart Interior Styling
Marcia Smart’s (Smart Interior Styling) tip is to: Recognize that your major competition comes from newer homes. People will take a newer home over an older home if all else is equal. That is why it is essential to give an older home something that puts it above the rest.
To learn more tips from professional Marcia Smart as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Marcia Smart as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Home Stage Your Exterior
Potential buyers see the outside first and will decide in 10 seconds or less if they are even going in. If the exterior doesn't bring them in, all the interior work you have done will go unnoticed.
What to look for?
* Overgrown shrubs and/or lawn
* Weeds
* Lack of color in the yard
* "Sad" looking door mat
* Is the welcome mat look like it has seen to much welcome?
* Exterior that needs to be washed
* Dirty windows
* Cluttered yard (too much yard art)
Learn more by reading 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
What to look for?
* Overgrown shrubs and/or lawn
* Weeds
* Lack of color in the yard
* "Sad" looking door mat
* Is the welcome mat look like it has seen to much welcome?
* Exterior that needs to be washed
* Dirty windows
* Cluttered yard (too much yard art)
Learn more by reading 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Stage Your Exterior
Potential buyers see the outside first and will decide in 10 seconds or less if they are even going in. If the exterior doesn't bring them in, all the interior work you have done will go unnoticed.
What to look for?
* Overgrown shrubs and/or lawn
* Weeds
* Lack of color in the yard
* "Sad" looking door mat
* Is the welcome mat look like it has seen to much welcome?
* Exterior that needs to be washed
* Dirty windows
* Cluttered yard (too much yard art)
Learn more by reading 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
What to look for?
* Overgrown shrubs and/or lawn
* Weeds
* Lack of color in the yard
* "Sad" looking door mat
* Is the welcome mat look like it has seen to much welcome?
* Exterior that needs to be washed
* Dirty windows
* Cluttered yard (too much yard art)
Learn more by reading 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice from Charlie Ann Taylor of C.A.T.'S ROOMER
Charlie Ann Taylor of C.A.T.'S ROOMER has a lot to say about these focal points in your home: The kitchen and baths need to be model perfect because the kitchen and baths sell the home.
To learn more tips from professional Charlie Ann Taylor, as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Charlie Ann Taylor, as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice from Charlie Ann Taylor of C.A.T.'S ROOMER
Charlie Ann Taylor of C.A.T.'S ROOMER has a lot to say about these focal points in your home: The kitchen and baths need to be model perfect because the kitchen and baths sell the home.
To learn more tips from professional Charlie Ann Taylor, as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Charlie Ann Taylor, as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Angelo: The creature was reborn out of hades

Cuanto tiempo sin dar señales de vida!!! >.<
Ultimamente estuve con los examenes de FP y....weno...imagino que han ido como deberian apruebo....T.T
Perdonad mi ausencia :$
Hoy nada de Kyoto,hoy toca grupo de música ^^
Angelo,ese grupo formado a mediados del año pasado después de la disolución de Pierrot,Kirito Kohta y Takeo se mantuvieron juntos para crear Angelo. A pesar de que Kirito sigue sacando singles en solitario también está con el grupo,lo cual,es digno de admiración.

Canciones recomendadas son Reborn,Crucifix,Winter Moon,Daydream,Hallucination,Holocaust,Squall,Dark snow...aunque practicamente todas son buenas canciones =P
Los PVs ya los puse en entradas anteriores,pero si quereis,podeis encontrarlas en youtube facilmente y sus discos aqui:
Y su pagina oficial es esta:
Eso es todo,para la proxima vez pondré algun templo para tal y se....gracias por pasaros por el blog,en casi nada,400 gatitos ^^
Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!
Angelo: The creature was reborn out of hades

Cuanto tiempo sin dar señales de vida!!! >.<
Ultimamente estuve con los examenes de FP y....weno...imagino que han ido como deberian apruebo....T.T
Perdonad mi ausencia :$
Hoy nada de Kyoto,hoy toca grupo de música ^^
Angelo,ese grupo formado a mediados del año pasado después de la disolución de Pierrot,Kirito Kohta y Takeo se mantuvieron juntos para crear Angelo. A pesar de que Kirito sigue sacando singles en solitario también está con el grupo,lo cual,es digno de admiración.

Canciones recomendadas son Reborn,Crucifix,Winter Moon,Daydream,Hallucination,Holocaust,Squall,Dark snow...aunque practicamente todas son buenas canciones =P
Los PVs ya los puse en entradas anteriores,pero si quereis,podeis encontrarlas en youtube facilmente y sus discos aqui:
Y su pagina oficial es esta:
Eso es todo,para la proxima vez pondré algun templo para tal y se....gracias por pasaros por el blog,en casi nada,400 gatitos ^^
Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!
Friday, May 4, 2007
New HGTV Home Staging Shows
Starting May 6, HGTV will air Secrets That Sell and Get It Sold as part of a new Sunday morning real estate block beginning at 11 a.m. ET/PT in which pros come to the rescue of frustrated homeowners who need help selling their homes.
20 Ways to Add Value to Your Home
Sunday, May 6 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
It's a countdown show with a mission: entertain viewers while giving the hottest advice on how to maximize the biggest investment a homeowner can make. This compelling special highlights common remodeling projects; a few surprising trends and debunks myths about home improvement.
Designed to Sell's Top 35 Selling Secrets (wt)
Sunday, May 20 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
This one-hour countdown special gives viewers 35 great ideas to help boost their bottom line and help them get the most out of selling their home. The Designed to Sell experts provide their picks for the top secrets and tell viewers how to get top dollar from the sale of a home. Viewers also will benefit from tips that cover topics such as real estate savvy, design know-how and handyman secrets.
Once you've seen these shows, you'll want to know more about home staging! You can be ahead of the curve when you buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
20 Ways to Add Value to Your Home
Sunday, May 6 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
It's a countdown show with a mission: entertain viewers while giving the hottest advice on how to maximize the biggest investment a homeowner can make. This compelling special highlights common remodeling projects; a few surprising trends and debunks myths about home improvement.
Designed to Sell's Top 35 Selling Secrets (wt)
Sunday, May 20 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
This one-hour countdown special gives viewers 35 great ideas to help boost their bottom line and help them get the most out of selling their home. The Designed to Sell experts provide their picks for the top secrets and tell viewers how to get top dollar from the sale of a home. Viewers also will benefit from tips that cover topics such as real estate savvy, design know-how and handyman secrets.
Once you've seen these shows, you'll want to know more about home staging! You can be ahead of the curve when you buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
New HGTV Home Staging Shows
Starting May 6, HGTV will air Secrets That Sell and Get It Sold as part of a new Sunday morning real estate block beginning at 11 a.m. ET/PT in which pros come to the rescue of frustrated homeowners who need help selling their homes.
20 Ways to Add Value to Your Home
Sunday, May 6 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
It's a countdown show with a mission: entertain viewers while giving the hottest advice on how to maximize the biggest investment a homeowner can make. This compelling special highlights common remodeling projects; a few surprising trends and debunks myths about home improvement.
Designed to Sell's Top 35 Selling Secrets (wt)
Sunday, May 20 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
This one-hour countdown special gives viewers 35 great ideas to help boost their bottom line and help them get the most out of selling their home. The Designed to Sell experts provide their picks for the top secrets and tell viewers how to get top dollar from the sale of a home. Viewers also will benefit from tips that cover topics such as real estate savvy, design know-how and handyman secrets.
Once you've seen these shows, you'll want to know more about home staging! You can be ahead of the curve when you buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
20 Ways to Add Value to Your Home
Sunday, May 6 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
It's a countdown show with a mission: entertain viewers while giving the hottest advice on how to maximize the biggest investment a homeowner can make. This compelling special highlights common remodeling projects; a few surprising trends and debunks myths about home improvement.
Designed to Sell's Top 35 Selling Secrets (wt)
Sunday, May 20 at 9 p.m. ET/PT
This one-hour countdown special gives viewers 35 great ideas to help boost their bottom line and help them get the most out of selling their home. The Designed to Sell experts provide their picks for the top secrets and tell viewers how to get top dollar from the sale of a home. Viewers also will benefit from tips that cover topics such as real estate savvy, design know-how and handyman secrets.
Once you've seen these shows, you'll want to know more about home staging! You can be ahead of the curve when you buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Gail Greer of All Rooms Great and Small
Gail Greer of All Rooms Great and Small gives this tip about painting your home: You need to be willing to change paint colors. There are certain universally accepted colors and these should be used when repainting your home. Yellow or shades of gold are warm and inviting. You should also accent with yellow. Your eye absorbs more yellow and therefore sees it first. Green or blue in the bedrooms are great colors because they are restful.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Greer as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Greer as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
Home Staging Advice From Gail Greer of All Rooms Great and Small
Gail Greer of All Rooms Great and Small gives this tip about painting your home: You need to be willing to change paint colors. There are certain universally accepted colors and these should be used when repainting your home. Yellow or shades of gold are warm and inviting. You should also accent with yellow. Your eye absorbs more yellow and therefore sees it first. Green or blue in the bedrooms are great colors because they are restful.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Greer as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
To learn more tips from professional Gail Greer as well as many other professionals, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.
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