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Thursday, January 31, 2008


I have not been able to attend to my "Pilgrim's Reveries" blog these recent weeks. In the meantime I thought I'd share with you selections from Fr. Nil Guillemette's series of books entitled "God Tales for Young and Old" consisting of insightful stories or parables. I first started sending these out in year 2001 to my email list after I had gotten permission from Fr. Nil himself:

In his letter to me dated Feb. 10, 2001, direct from Loyola House, Cagayan de Oro city, Phil., he wrote:

"In answer to your letter of Feb. 1, which I received yesterday, I gladly give you permission to use my stories in your bible sharings. However, in order to discourage any illegal pirating from unscrupulous readers, please always add the proper reference (author, publisher, book, pages, etc.). As to your second question, I regret to inform you that my books are not yet being published abroad, despite my efforts to the contrary..."

About the author: "A graduate of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Fr. Nil Guillemette, S. J. has spent almost two decades teaching New Testament in Vietnam, West Africa and the Philippines. His books with St. Pauls include: a Kingdom for All, Parables for Today, Hungry no more, On the Evening of the Third Day, Lion and Lamb, Through a Glass Darkly and 20 volumes of God Tales."
Please feel free to send your comments and reactionsto these God Tales.



"Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come back to life again; he was lost, and has been found." (Lk 15:23-24)

Many centuries ago on the island of Crete , near the city of Gortyna , there was a monastery by the name of St. Jerome Abbey, which housed a large community of pious monks. These were ninety-nine in number, to be precise, and they all vied with each other in their zeal to keep all the rules and observances of their Order. In this respect they were truly upright and virtuous men, not least of whom was Sagaris, the eldest of the ninety-nine.

In contrast with these righteous and upstanding friars, there lived next to the abbey a terrible ruffian by the name of Zeno, whose reputation for knavery and nefarious acts had spread throughout the whole area. And it was a well-deserved reputation, for indeed Zeno was a cheat, a liar, a rake, a rascal - and many other things besides.

Now, since Zeno often poached on the abbatial grounds and annoyed the monks of St. Jerome in a thousand other ways, he was often on the minds of these pious men. "Thank God," they would often think with just a touch of smugness, "we are not like that scoundrel!" And Sagaris, as the senior member of the group, would often voice the feelings of his ninety-eight brothers when he would outspokenly condemn Zeno's latest foul deed.

Now one day the Black Plague invaded the island of Crete , and like a sharp sickle it cut down everyone on its path, including all the monks of St. Jerome along with the evil Zeno. The latter, however, upon seeing all his neighbors die one after the other within the span of a few days, was gripped by a sudden fear of God's judgment, repented of his sins and died in turn after all the friars.

Of all these people Sagaris was the first one to reach Heaven, for his stay in Purgatory lasted but a few hours. After all, after having been a monk for more than sixty years, he had had ample time on earth to atone for his sins; besides, he had committed only a few of these, his life having been on the whole that of a model monk.

Because of this state of affairs, Sagaris expected a very special welcome upon his arrival at the Pearly Gates. Hadn't he kept faithfully his vows and the monastic observances for more than half a century? Surely, in his opinion, that deserved due recognition! Well, he did receive a hearty welcome from St. Peter and all the angels and the saints, climaxed with a beaming smile of approval on the part of the Trinity, but there was no red carpet treatment nor any special fuss in his honor. This surprised Sagaris and somewhat disappointed him. But his chagrin was soon alleviated by the sight of all his monastic brothers from St. Jerome arriving in Heaven almost within minutes of each other. There they were, now clothed in light and beauty: Serenus, Basilides, Besads, Lucian, Bardaisan, Phileas, Cerdo, Ater, Nemesion, Carpocrates, Marinus and all the others. Soon the group was complete.

Naturally Sagaris noticed that none of his ninety-eight companions was celebrated in any special manner, and he still wondered at this. But after a while he concluded upon reflection that, because of the sudden influx of new arrivals due to the Black Plague, the Elect had no time to celebrate in a particular way each and every one of those entering Heaven on that day. Perhaps, however, there would be a collective celebration in honor of the monks of St. Jerome as a group at least?

Now, just as Sagaris was speculating along these lines, all of a sudden God the Father stood up from his great throne and taking by the hand both His Son and the Holy Spirit, announced to all the heavenly court, "Let us celebrate!" And, without more ado, the Three Persons began a merry dance of joy in which all the Elect were invited to join.

"Ah," Sagaris thought with satisfaction, "that celebration must be in honor of the ninety-nine of us from St. Jerome Abbey, absolutely as I figured." However, just in case he might have missed the arrival of some great saint and that the ongoing celebration would actually happen to be in the honor of that great saint, he decided to check it out with one of the angels employed in delivering messages, posting news bulletins and in general insuring the well-being of the heavenly inhabitants.

"Pardon me," Sagaris asked a splendid shaft of light as it was passing by, "but could you tell me in whose honor is this celebration?"

The angel stopped in his tracks, as if caught by surprise. "Certainly. It's in honor of Zeno, the former sinner who lived near your abbey. He was just converted a few minutes ago. And, naturally, whenever something like that happens, we always throw a big party."

Sagaris was astonished. "Why?" he asked.

"Why?" the angel repeated. "Well, frankly, I don't know. It's one of those mysteries about God that finite minds like ours have trouble penetrating. In fact, it's strange that you should ask, because it seems you humans have an edge over us when it comes to such matters."

"Oh? Why is that?", Sagaris insisted.

"Because of your biological set-up. You humans have sons and fathers. We don't," the angel answered. Then, seeing that Sagaris still didn't understand, he explained further. "I'm referring to something that God told me one day in a private conversation, precisely because I had wondered out loud before him about his strange habit of making such a fuss over a converted sinner. Well, he said something like this. A human father takes a great deal of pleasure in seeing his children living with him in close harmony. But, if one of them happens to stray away and becomes estranged from the family, the father will grieve over the absent son until he returns home. However, when the prodigal does return and falls in his father's arms, the latter experiences at that moment more joy than over all his other children who have never left home." The angel paused, then shook his luminous head in puzzlement. "When God gave me that explanation," he continued, "I told him quite candidly that I had absolutely no idea of what he was talking about. And do you know what God did? For a moment he only smiled. Then he added with great gentleness, `Of course you cannot understand any of this, because you have never been a father. But a father can.' That's word for word what God said. Does it make sense to you?"

Sagaris didn't answer. He just turned around and walked towards the center of the celebration. He felt a bit ashamed for having forgotten the parable of the Prodigal Son so soon upon arriving in Heaven. But, on the other hand, not having ever been a father himself, that was not too surprising. It also explained why he had failed to understand God's reaction to Zeno's conversion. Now, however, he understood. The fact was that God was Zeno's father. That explained the celebration.

Well, in that respect nothing much has changed since Zeno's time. God always reacts like a father. Why? Because he happens to be one

End Notes:
1. Fr. Nil Guillemette S.J., "To The Ends Of The Earth, God Tales for Young and Old," St. Pauls Makati, Philippines, 1993, Chapter, 24, pp. 148-151.


I have not been able to attend to my "Pilgrim's Reveries" blog these recent weeks. In the meantime I thought I'd share with you selections from Fr. Nil Guillemette's series of books entitled "God Tales for Young and Old" consisting of insightful stories or parables. I first started sending these out in year 2001 to my email list after I had gotten permission from Fr. Nil himself:

In his letter to me dated Feb. 10, 2001, direct from Loyola House, Cagayan de Oro city, Phil., he wrote:

"In answer to your letter of Feb. 1, which I received yesterday, I gladly give you permission to use my stories in your bible sharings. However, in order to discourage any illegal pirating from unscrupulous readers, please always add the proper reference (author, publisher, book, pages, etc.). As to your second question, I regret to inform you that my books are not yet being published abroad, despite my efforts to the contrary..."

About the author: "A graduate of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, Fr. Nil Guillemette, S. J. has spent almost two decades teaching New Testament in Vietnam, West Africa and the Philippines. His books with St. Pauls include: a Kingdom for All, Parables for Today, Hungry no more, On the Evening of the Third Day, Lion and Lamb, Through a Glass Darkly and 20 volumes of God Tales."
Please feel free to send your comments and reactionsto these God Tales.



"Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come back to life again; he was lost, and has been found." (Lk 15:23-24)

Many centuries ago on the island of Crete , near the city of Gortyna , there was a monastery by the name of St. Jerome Abbey, which housed a large community of pious monks. These were ninety-nine in number, to be precise, and they all vied with each other in their zeal to keep all the rules and observances of their Order. In this respect they were truly upright and virtuous men, not least of whom was Sagaris, the eldest of the ninety-nine.

In contrast with these righteous and upstanding friars, there lived next to the abbey a terrible ruffian by the name of Zeno, whose reputation for knavery and nefarious acts had spread throughout the whole area. And it was a well-deserved reputation, for indeed Zeno was a cheat, a liar, a rake, a rascal - and many other things besides.

Now, since Zeno often poached on the abbatial grounds and annoyed the monks of St. Jerome in a thousand other ways, he was often on the minds of these pious men. "Thank God," they would often think with just a touch of smugness, "we are not like that scoundrel!" And Sagaris, as the senior member of the group, would often voice the feelings of his ninety-eight brothers when he would outspokenly condemn Zeno's latest foul deed.

Now one day the Black Plague invaded the island of Crete , and like a sharp sickle it cut down everyone on its path, including all the monks of St. Jerome along with the evil Zeno. The latter, however, upon seeing all his neighbors die one after the other within the span of a few days, was gripped by a sudden fear of God's judgment, repented of his sins and died in turn after all the friars.

Of all these people Sagaris was the first one to reach Heaven, for his stay in Purgatory lasted but a few hours. After all, after having been a monk for more than sixty years, he had had ample time on earth to atone for his sins; besides, he had committed only a few of these, his life having been on the whole that of a model monk.

Because of this state of affairs, Sagaris expected a very special welcome upon his arrival at the Pearly Gates. Hadn't he kept faithfully his vows and the monastic observances for more than half a century? Surely, in his opinion, that deserved due recognition! Well, he did receive a hearty welcome from St. Peter and all the angels and the saints, climaxed with a beaming smile of approval on the part of the Trinity, but there was no red carpet treatment nor any special fuss in his honor. This surprised Sagaris and somewhat disappointed him. But his chagrin was soon alleviated by the sight of all his monastic brothers from St. Jerome arriving in Heaven almost within minutes of each other. There they were, now clothed in light and beauty: Serenus, Basilides, Besads, Lucian, Bardaisan, Phileas, Cerdo, Ater, Nemesion, Carpocrates, Marinus and all the others. Soon the group was complete.

Naturally Sagaris noticed that none of his ninety-eight companions was celebrated in any special manner, and he still wondered at this. But after a while he concluded upon reflection that, because of the sudden influx of new arrivals due to the Black Plague, the Elect had no time to celebrate in a particular way each and every one of those entering Heaven on that day. Perhaps, however, there would be a collective celebration in honor of the monks of St. Jerome as a group at least?

Now, just as Sagaris was speculating along these lines, all of a sudden God the Father stood up from his great throne and taking by the hand both His Son and the Holy Spirit, announced to all the heavenly court, "Let us celebrate!" And, without more ado, the Three Persons began a merry dance of joy in which all the Elect were invited to join.

"Ah," Sagaris thought with satisfaction, "that celebration must be in honor of the ninety-nine of us from St. Jerome Abbey, absolutely as I figured." However, just in case he might have missed the arrival of some great saint and that the ongoing celebration would actually happen to be in the honor of that great saint, he decided to check it out with one of the angels employed in delivering messages, posting news bulletins and in general insuring the well-being of the heavenly inhabitants.

"Pardon me," Sagaris asked a splendid shaft of light as it was passing by, "but could you tell me in whose honor is this celebration?"

The angel stopped in his tracks, as if caught by surprise. "Certainly. It's in honor of Zeno, the former sinner who lived near your abbey. He was just converted a few minutes ago. And, naturally, whenever something like that happens, we always throw a big party."

Sagaris was astonished. "Why?" he asked.

"Why?" the angel repeated. "Well, frankly, I don't know. It's one of those mysteries about God that finite minds like ours have trouble penetrating. In fact, it's strange that you should ask, because it seems you humans have an edge over us when it comes to such matters."

"Oh? Why is that?", Sagaris insisted.

"Because of your biological set-up. You humans have sons and fathers. We don't," the angel answered. Then, seeing that Sagaris still didn't understand, he explained further. "I'm referring to something that God told me one day in a private conversation, precisely because I had wondered out loud before him about his strange habit of making such a fuss over a converted sinner. Well, he said something like this. A human father takes a great deal of pleasure in seeing his children living with him in close harmony. But, if one of them happens to stray away and becomes estranged from the family, the father will grieve over the absent son until he returns home. However, when the prodigal does return and falls in his father's arms, the latter experiences at that moment more joy than over all his other children who have never left home." The angel paused, then shook his luminous head in puzzlement. "When God gave me that explanation," he continued, "I told him quite candidly that I had absolutely no idea of what he was talking about. And do you know what God did? For a moment he only smiled. Then he added with great gentleness, `Of course you cannot understand any of this, because you have never been a father. But a father can.' That's word for word what God said. Does it make sense to you?"

Sagaris didn't answer. He just turned around and walked towards the center of the celebration. He felt a bit ashamed for having forgotten the parable of the Prodigal Son so soon upon arriving in Heaven. But, on the other hand, not having ever been a father himself, that was not too surprising. It also explained why he had failed to understand God's reaction to Zeno's conversion. Now, however, he understood. The fact was that God was Zeno's father. That explained the celebration.

Well, in that respect nothing much has changed since Zeno's time. God always reacts like a father. Why? Because he happens to be one

End Notes:
1. Fr. Nil Guillemette S.J., "To The Ends Of The Earth, God Tales for Young and Old," St. Pauls Makati, Philippines, 1993, Chapter, 24, pp. 148-151.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Kairaku-en ("jardín para pasear") III de III

Hola pirataaaaaas!!!
Cuanto tiempo sin actualizar!!!!
Un poco tarde para decirlo pero...feliz año nuevo a todos los bloggers!!! (vosotros no me lo digais a mi eh???) ú.ù
Para comenzar,pondré el tercer y último de los jardínes célebres de Japón,el Kairaku-en (偕楽園)
Este jardín se encuentra en una pequeña cuidad llamada Mito,originadamente antiguamente en tornoa un castillo,en donde se encuentra este jardín.
Este jardín data del año 1842 y es conocido por sus ume (flores de ciruelo),que florecen entre finales de Febrero y principios de Marzo.

En su interior se encuentra el pabellón Kobun-tei que es una elegante reproducción de la casa de campo de los antiguos gobernantes de Mito y en las que destacan bellas puertas corredizas en su interior.
En el jardín podemos encontrar estanques, casas de té, pabellones, bosques, una colina artificial,una arboleda de bambú, cedros y los Kobuntei (edificios tradicionales japoneses) y amplias superficies de césped.
En epoca de florecimiento (Febrero-Marzo) podemos encontrar auténticas bellezas visuales como las que veis en la foto de arriba y abajo *_*
Además de sus 100 variedades de ciruelos aproximadamente,el jardín tiene una arboleda de bambú, cedros y los Kobuntei, edificios tradicionales japoneses.
Otra bella imagen que podemos encontrar caminando.
Y también en epocas mas frias podemos encontrar otra variedad de colores,en la que destacan todos sus arboles quedan perfectos para realizar un hanami
(Photos extracted to other websites,with their ©)
( Lo mismo en español por si acaso ^^U )

Espero que os haya gustado ^_^

Y...bueno...simplemente pedir disculpas por no haber actualizado mucho antes el blog,entre los problemas de salud que tengo,estudios,falta de tiempo y algún dia que si pude no tenia el tiempo suficiente para hacerlo pues lo he pospuesto

Espero que me disculpeis m(_ _)m

Y...ahora me voy a visitar blogs,que tengo muchísimo que leer de vosotros y actualizar banners y dar señales de vida ^_^UUU

Volveré a actualizar,lo prometo u////u

Muchisimas gracias por seguir visitándome incluso en épocas dificiles,os lo agradezco muchisimo :__D

Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!

Kairaku-en ("jardín para pasear") III de III

Hola pirataaaaaas!!!
Cuanto tiempo sin actualizar!!!!
Un poco tarde para decirlo pero...feliz año nuevo a todos los bloggers!!! (vosotros no me lo digais a mi eh???) ú.ù
Para comenzar,pondré el tercer y último de los jardínes célebres de Japón,el Kairaku-en (偕楽園)
Este jardín se encuentra en una pequeña cuidad llamada Mito,originadamente antiguamente en tornoa un castillo,en donde se encuentra este jardín.
Este jardín data del año 1842 y es conocido por sus ume (flores de ciruelo),que florecen entre finales de Febrero y principios de Marzo.

En su interior se encuentra el pabellón Kobun-tei que es una elegante reproducción de la casa de campo de los antiguos gobernantes de Mito y en las que destacan bellas puertas corredizas en su interior.
En el jardín podemos encontrar estanques, casas de té, pabellones, bosques, una colina artificial,una arboleda de bambú, cedros y los Kobuntei (edificios tradicionales japoneses) y amplias superficies de césped.
En epoca de florecimiento (Febrero-Marzo) podemos encontrar auténticas bellezas visuales como las que veis en la foto de arriba y abajo *_*
Además de sus 100 variedades de ciruelos aproximadamente,el jardín tiene una arboleda de bambú, cedros y los Kobuntei, edificios tradicionales japoneses.
Otra bella imagen que podemos encontrar caminando.
Y también en epocas mas frias podemos encontrar otra variedad de colores,en la que destacan todos sus arboles quedan perfectos para realizar un hanami
(Photos extracted to other websites,with their ©)
( Lo mismo en español por si acaso ^^U )

Espero que os haya gustado ^_^

Y...bueno...simplemente pedir disculpas por no haber actualizado mucho antes el blog,entre los problemas de salud que tengo,estudios,falta de tiempo y algún dia que si pude no tenia el tiempo suficiente para hacerlo pues lo he pospuesto

Espero que me disculpeis m(_ _)m

Y...ahora me voy a visitar blogs,que tengo muchísimo que leer de vosotros y actualizar banners y dar señales de vida ^_^UUU

Volveré a actualizar,lo prometo u////u

Muchisimas gracias por seguir visitándome incluso en épocas dificiles,os lo agradezco muchisimo :__D

Cuidaos piltrafillas!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


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Friday, January 11, 2008


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

"So they said to him. ‘Who are you, so we can give an answer to those who sent us? What do you have to say for yourself?’" (Jn 1:22)

What if you could be anything, or anybody? Who would you choose to be? Would you be a strong business leader? A movie star? A sports hero or heroine? A famous politician?

A reporter asked the famous George Bernard Shaw that "what if" question before he died. Here is how he put it: "Mr. Shaw, you have visited with some of the most famous people of the world. You have known royalty, world renowned authors, artists and teachers. If you could live your life all over again, and be anybody you have known, or any person from history, who would you like to be?"

Shaw replied, "I would choose to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been but never was."

What an insight! Very few people ever achieve all the greatness that is really inside them. Don’t wish to be somebody else. Wish to be yourself – but better.
(Quote) [1]

Almighty God has a plan for each one of us. All that is necessary is for each person to try to discover what those plans are and strive toward their fulfillment in their individual lives. Indeed, what good is the Divine plan, if we do not make any effort to seek it?

We also ought to be very positive about our identity: Who we really are in the center of our being, minus the exterior or external trimmings. There is need to accept our weaknesses and our strengths, because these are essential ingredients of our character. It is through them that the Lord will try to work through and in us. As the above narrative tells us, we should never wish to be somebody else. We just have to improve our "selves" and try to hone whatever skills and talents the Lord has given us.

What are our deeply felt desires? Do we really wish to be the kind of person that Our Heavenly Father wants us to be? When we come to know what that is, we should learn to follow His will for us. A famous Filipino preacher says that God always speaks to us through our "deepest desires."

John the Baptist was certainly aware of his role as the precursor of the Messiah and he followed his mission as faithfully as he could, even though he had to die for it.

Do we really believe that to understand what God’s will is for us, we first have to know or find our real selves? Are we quite certain of our part in His plan of salvation? Do we really strive to seek to know what that role really is?

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction as we try to reflect on our particular task and mission in the days ahead. Let us also pray to be open to God's leading at all times.

End Notes for this Bible Sharing
1. "The Next 500 Stories" by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 204, "Find Your Real Self," p. 100, Logos Publications, Inc., Manila, 1993.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

"So they said to him. ‘Who are you, so we can give an answer to those who sent us? What do you have to say for yourself?’" (Jn 1:22)

What if you could be anything, or anybody? Who would you choose to be? Would you be a strong business leader? A movie star? A sports hero or heroine? A famous politician?

A reporter asked the famous George Bernard Shaw that "what if" question before he died. Here is how he put it: "Mr. Shaw, you have visited with some of the most famous people of the world. You have known royalty, world renowned authors, artists and teachers. If you could live your life all over again, and be anybody you have known, or any person from history, who would you like to be?"

Shaw replied, "I would choose to be the man George Bernard Shaw could have been but never was."

What an insight! Very few people ever achieve all the greatness that is really inside them. Don’t wish to be somebody else. Wish to be yourself – but better.
(Quote) [1]

Almighty God has a plan for each one of us. All that is necessary is for each person to try to discover what those plans are and strive toward their fulfillment in their individual lives. Indeed, what good is the Divine plan, if we do not make any effort to seek it?

We also ought to be very positive about our identity: Who we really are in the center of our being, minus the exterior or external trimmings. There is need to accept our weaknesses and our strengths, because these are essential ingredients of our character. It is through them that the Lord will try to work through and in us. As the above narrative tells us, we should never wish to be somebody else. We just have to improve our "selves" and try to hone whatever skills and talents the Lord has given us.

What are our deeply felt desires? Do we really wish to be the kind of person that Our Heavenly Father wants us to be? When we come to know what that is, we should learn to follow His will for us. A famous Filipino preacher says that God always speaks to us through our "deepest desires."

John the Baptist was certainly aware of his role as the precursor of the Messiah and he followed his mission as faithfully as he could, even though he had to die for it.

Do we really believe that to understand what God’s will is for us, we first have to know or find our real selves? Are we quite certain of our part in His plan of salvation? Do we really strive to seek to know what that role really is?

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and direction as we try to reflect on our particular task and mission in the days ahead. Let us also pray to be open to God's leading at all times.

End Notes for this Bible Sharing
1. "The Next 500 Stories" by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 204, "Find Your Real Self," p. 100, Logos Publications, Inc., Manila, 1993.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

"When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption." (Gal 4:4)

Teacher Debbie Moon’s first graders were discussing a picture of a family. One little boy in the picture had different color hair than the other family members.

One child suggested that he was adopted and a little girl named Jocelyn Jay said, "I know all about adoptions, because I’m adopted."

"What does it mean to be adopted?" asked another child.

"It means," said Jocelyn, "that you grew in your mother’s heart instead of in her tummy."
(George Dolan) [1]

Today is the first day of the New Year and we honor Mary, as Mother of God. If Jesus, has been born again in our hearts, as previously recommended, we can look forward to a fresh start this year. Thus, the New Year should usher in a spiritually renewed life for us. In imitation of Our Lady, we too should give birth to greater holiness on this first day of 2008.

As we all know, the Incarnation of Our Lord was and is the greatest gift of our heavenly Father to mankind. For without the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in expiation for the sins of humanity, the gates of Heaven would not have been opened, and the righteous would have gone to what used to be called, "Limbo." Without Divine grace and the Sacraments, the majority of mankind would very likely have been lost.

As it was, not only was that situation avoided, but Our Lord also paved the way for our adoption by Abba, Father.

By virtue of our Baptism we have become adopted sons and daughters of Almighty God. Jesus has become our Brother and therefore, Mary, logically, became our Mother.

The above narrative implies that though we were not born out of Mary’s womb we grew in her heart out of love for us. All these things we should treasure and keep in our hearts as Mary did. (Cf Lk 2:19)

As the very first Disciple of Christ, Our Lady is a very appropriate model for all of us. Her obedience to God’s will, charity and generosity for all humanity are some things that we should all try to emulate. She has taught us not to keep God’s gifts for ourselves, but rather to share them for the benefit of others, as she willingly shared Jesus with us. She never thought of holding on to her Son for Herself.

Let us all try to be worthy of our adoption, by being faithful and obedient to our Heavenly Father as Mary was. Let us continue to prayerfully seek her help, intercession and guidance on how we can best serve the Lord via discipleship. Let us also pray to the Holy Spirit for continual guidance and direction in this undertaking.

End Notes for this Bible Sharing
1. "The Millennium Stories" by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 178, "What it means to be Adopted," p. 84, Logos (Divine Word) Publications, Inc., Manila, 1997.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008

"When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to ransom those under the law, so that we might receive adoption." (Gal 4:4)

Teacher Debbie Moon’s first graders were discussing a picture of a family. One little boy in the picture had different color hair than the other family members.

One child suggested that he was adopted and a little girl named Jocelyn Jay said, "I know all about adoptions, because I’m adopted."

"What does it mean to be adopted?" asked another child.

"It means," said Jocelyn, "that you grew in your mother’s heart instead of in her tummy."
(George Dolan) [1]

Today is the first day of the New Year and we honor Mary, as Mother of God. If Jesus, has been born again in our hearts, as previously recommended, we can look forward to a fresh start this year. Thus, the New Year should usher in a spiritually renewed life for us. In imitation of Our Lady, we too should give birth to greater holiness on this first day of 2008.

As we all know, the Incarnation of Our Lord was and is the greatest gift of our heavenly Father to mankind. For without the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ in expiation for the sins of humanity, the gates of Heaven would not have been opened, and the righteous would have gone to what used to be called, "Limbo." Without Divine grace and the Sacraments, the majority of mankind would very likely have been lost.

As it was, not only was that situation avoided, but Our Lord also paved the way for our adoption by Abba, Father.

By virtue of our Baptism we have become adopted sons and daughters of Almighty God. Jesus has become our Brother and therefore, Mary, logically, became our Mother.

The above narrative implies that though we were not born out of Mary’s womb we grew in her heart out of love for us. All these things we should treasure and keep in our hearts as Mary did. (Cf Lk 2:19)

As the very first Disciple of Christ, Our Lady is a very appropriate model for all of us. Her obedience to God’s will, charity and generosity for all humanity are some things that we should all try to emulate. She has taught us not to keep God’s gifts for ourselves, but rather to share them for the benefit of others, as she willingly shared Jesus with us. She never thought of holding on to her Son for Herself.

Let us all try to be worthy of our adoption, by being faithful and obedient to our Heavenly Father as Mary was. Let us continue to prayerfully seek her help, intercession and guidance on how we can best serve the Lord via discipleship. Let us also pray to the Holy Spirit for continual guidance and direction in this undertaking.

End Notes for this Bible Sharing
1. "The Millennium Stories" by Frank Mihalic, SVD, n. 178, "What it means to be Adopted," p. 84, Logos (Divine Word) Publications, Inc., Manila, 1997.

Should You Home Stage Without Professional Help?

The purpose of home staging is to emphasize your home's best attributes and sway potential buyers. This can be done with just a few accessories or with a whole house of new furnishings, paint, and accessories.

But can you do it alone? That depends. You must be able to be objective. Staging your home isn't about your own tastes. It is about making the home appealing to the general population. And it isn't really about function. You may use all those products in your tub, but when it comes to selling your home, none of them should be seen.

Whether you go it alone or use a stager, you have to have the attitude that your home is no longer your home. Instead, you must be able to see it as your investment.

To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought.

Should You Home Stage Without Professional Help?

The purpose of home staging is to emphasize your home's best attributes and sway potential buyers. This can be done with just a few accessories or with a whole house of new furnishings, paint, and accessories.

But can you do it alone? That depends. You must be able to be objective. Staging your home isn't about your own tastes. It is about making the home appealing to the general population. And it isn't really about function. You may use all those products in your tub, but when it comes to selling your home, none of them should be seen.

Whether you go it alone or use a stager, you have to have the attitude that your home is no longer your home. Instead, you must be able to see it as your investment.

To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Home Staging in a Buyer's Market

This is definitely a buyer's market which means that if you are selling your home, you simply have to make your home stand out from the crowd. The best way to do this is to home stage.

Homes that have been staged are clean, clutter-free, showcase a home's features, and are ready to show to potential buyers. The goal is to create an appealing atmosphere that will make buyers want your home over any other.

You don't want to spend money on a house you are trying to sell? Don't be short-sighted! The first price reduction is far more than the investment of staging! Not to mention the cost of paying your mortgage longer or even having to pay 2 mortgages while you wait for the sale.

To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.

Home Staging in a Buyer's Market

This is definitely a buyer's market which means that if you are selling your home, you simply have to make your home stand out from the crowd. The best way to do this is to home stage.

Homes that have been staged are clean, clutter-free, showcase a home's features, and are ready to show to potential buyers. The goal is to create an appealing atmosphere that will make buyers want your home over any other.

You don't want to spend money on a house you are trying to sell? Don't be short-sighted! The first price reduction is far more than the investment of staging! Not to mention the cost of paying your mortgage longer or even having to pay 2 mortgages while you wait for the sale.

To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Home Staging Book Is a Finalist!


301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought was a finalist in the Home: Decorating/Interior Design category.

USABookNews.com, the premiere online magazine and review website for mainstream and independent publishing houses, announced the winners and finalists of THE NATIONAL BEST BOOKS 2007 AWARDS (BBA) on November 1, 2007. Over 500 winners and finalists were announced in over 140 categories covering print, audio books & courses, e-books and interactive CD-ROMs. Awards were presented for titles published in 2007 and late 2006.

Jeffrey Keen, President and CEO of USABookNews.com, said this year's contest yielded an unprecedented number of entries, which were then narrowed down to over 500 winners and finalists.

Keen says of the awards, now in their fourth year, "The 2007 results represent a phenomenal mix of books from a wide array of publishers throughout the United States. As an executive in the publishing PR and marketing industry and president and CEO of JPX Media, I wanted to create an awards competition that recognized books in their publication year rather than months after the original launch window. "

USABookNews.com is an online publication providing coverage for books from mainstream and independent publishers to the world online community. USABN Magazine Online is the monthly electronic magazine e-mailed free to a large cross-section of the book buying public. JPX Media, in Los Angeles, California, is the parent company of USABookNews.com.

A complete list of the winners and finalists of the USABookNews.com National �Best Books� 2007 Awards are available online at http://www.USABookNews.com.

Buy 301 Simple Things now!

Home Staging Book Is a Finalist!


301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home Now and For More Money Than You Thought was a finalist in the Home: Decorating/Interior Design category.

USABookNews.com, the premiere online magazine and review website for mainstream and independent publishing houses, announced the winners and finalists of THE NATIONAL BEST BOOKS 2007 AWARDS (BBA) on November 1, 2007. Over 500 winners and finalists were announced in over 140 categories covering print, audio books & courses, e-books and interactive CD-ROMs. Awards were presented for titles published in 2007 and late 2006.

Jeffrey Keen, President and CEO of USABookNews.com, said this year's contest yielded an unprecedented number of entries, which were then narrowed down to over 500 winners and finalists.

Keen says of the awards, now in their fourth year, "The 2007 results represent a phenomenal mix of books from a wide array of publishers throughout the United States. As an executive in the publishing PR and marketing industry and president and CEO of JPX Media, I wanted to create an awards competition that recognized books in their publication year rather than months after the original launch window. "

USABookNews.com is an online publication providing coverage for books from mainstream and independent publishers to the world online community. USABN Magazine Online is the monthly electronic magazine e-mailed free to a large cross-section of the book buying public. JPX Media, in Los Angeles, California, is the parent company of USABookNews.com.

A complete list of the winners and finalists of the USABookNews.com National �Best Books� 2007 Awards are available online at http://www.USABookNews.com.

Buy 301 Simple Things now!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Become a Home Stager - New Book Coming Out!

How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Redesign, Redecorating, & Home Staging Business—With Companion CD-ROM

Are you planning to become part of this redesign or real estate staging network? During this time of phenomenal growth, these businesses may be worth your investigation. If you can answer yes to the following questions, then the redesign or home staging business may be just right for you. • Do you love decorating your home? • Are you addicted to home decorating shows and magazines? • Do you know exactly what someone should do to sell their home fast? • Are you constantly moving your furniture around? • Do you find yourself decorating for your friends and family for free? • Do you have a flair for decorating? Keep in mind, however, that Redesign and Real Estate Staging are more than just having the talent and skills to do the job. The business of the business is the part that can be tricky. Readers of this book will fall into one of the following categories: • Those With a Second Career: You already have a successful career and are looking for something new. In fact, the design field may be totally unrelated to anything you have ever done before • Those Wishing To Be Their Own Boss: You want to have more control over your day and how it goes. Being your own boss allows you to be flexible. • Those That Are Business Beginners: You have started your own business, and are finding that the small business tools that are available just do not apply to the design industry. • Those That Want To Grow Their Design Business: You already are fully engaged in your own design business and need sound marketing principles to grow your business further. • Those That Are Curious: You just want to know what the design industry is all about and find out if you can develop your passion into a thriving business. No matter which description fits you, this book will be instrumental in your success of the business side of redesigning and home staging. In these chapters, you will learn whether you are cut out to be an entrepreneur, what to offer as a redesigner, redecorator, and real estate stager, what to charge for your services, how to create both a simple and formal business plan, how to set up your home office, the legalities of owning a business, how to market, how to give a presentation, the day to day workings of your job, and professional design techniques. You will read expert examples and business blunders. You will receive tips, scripts, and templates. After you are finished with this book, you will be ready to start your own redesign, redecorate, and real estate staging business. More importantly, you will be ready to succeed.

Buy the book by clicking here!

Become a Home Stager - New Book Coming Out!

How to Open & Operate a Financially Successful Redesign, Redecorating, & Home Staging Business—With Companion CD-ROM

Are you planning to become part of this redesign or real estate staging network? During this time of phenomenal growth, these businesses may be worth your investigation. If you can answer yes to the following questions, then the redesign or home staging business may be just right for you. • Do you love decorating your home? • Are you addicted to home decorating shows and magazines? • Do you know exactly what someone should do to sell their home fast? • Are you constantly moving your furniture around? • Do you find yourself decorating for your friends and family for free? • Do you have a flair for decorating? Keep in mind, however, that Redesign and Real Estate Staging are more than just having the talent and skills to do the job. The business of the business is the part that can be tricky. Readers of this book will fall into one of the following categories: • Those With a Second Career: You already have a successful career and are looking for something new. In fact, the design field may be totally unrelated to anything you have ever done before • Those Wishing To Be Their Own Boss: You want to have more control over your day and how it goes. Being your own boss allows you to be flexible. • Those That Are Business Beginners: You have started your own business, and are finding that the small business tools that are available just do not apply to the design industry. • Those That Want To Grow Their Design Business: You already are fully engaged in your own design business and need sound marketing principles to grow your business further. • Those That Are Curious: You just want to know what the design industry is all about and find out if you can develop your passion into a thriving business. No matter which description fits you, this book will be instrumental in your success of the business side of redesigning and home staging. In these chapters, you will learn whether you are cut out to be an entrepreneur, what to offer as a redesigner, redecorator, and real estate stager, what to charge for your services, how to create both a simple and formal business plan, how to set up your home office, the legalities of owning a business, how to market, how to give a presentation, the day to day workings of your job, and professional design techniques. You will read expert examples and business blunders. You will receive tips, scripts, and templates. After you are finished with this book, you will be ready to start your own redesign, redecorate, and real estate staging business. More importantly, you will be ready to succeed.

Buy the book by clicking here!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Home Staging: Refresh Your Home

Make sure all your furniture, light fixtures and accessories look contemporary. Most of the time, you can achieve the "fresh" look without spending a lot. For example, changing the counter top and/or cabinet handles in the kitchen can make a huge difference without having to remodel it. Changing light fixtures or faucets can also make quite an impact on the look and feel of a room. Simple things such as a new bed ensemble, a few decorative pillows and two nice table lamps will transform a bedroom.

To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.

Home Staging: Refresh Your Home

Make sure all your furniture, light fixtures and accessories look contemporary. Most of the time, you can achieve the "fresh" look without spending a lot. For example, changing the counter top and/or cabinet handles in the kitchen can make a huge difference without having to remodel it. Changing light fixtures or faucets can also make quite an impact on the look and feel of a room. Simple things such as a new bed ensemble, a few decorative pillows and two nice table lamps will transform a bedroom.

To learn more about home staging, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Home Staging: Make Your Space Count

Selling your home, especially in a down market, can be tricky. The solution is knowing the market so that you spend your money where it will make the biggest impression. The biggest thing to remember is to play up your space.

Keep the following tips in mind as you do so:

- Make sure each room has a specific focus.

-Play up any focal points like a fireplace or a bay window

- Create curb appeal and an appealing front entry.

-Your home should be clean, de-cluttered, and have a good traffic-flow

To learn more, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.

Home Staging: Make Your Space Count

Selling your home, especially in a down market, can be tricky. The solution is knowing the market so that you spend your money where it will make the biggest impression. The biggest thing to remember is to play up your space.

Keep the following tips in mind as you do so:

- Make sure each room has a specific focus.

-Play up any focal points like a fireplace or a bay window

- Create curb appeal and an appealing front entry.

-Your home should be clean, de-cluttered, and have a good traffic-flow

To learn more, buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.